inconceivable eccentricities!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Verdict

Well, I just got in from the "interview" at SRI. It went rather well. I spoke with the guy for about an hour on different topics, mostly ralating to the job. I left the office feeling about the same as when I entered. A little intrigued, but a little indecisive too. I'll list what I believe to be the Pros and the Cons.

Pros - Company vehicle (Chevy 1500 4x4 in case any of you are interested), $500/month for rent, great benefits (full medical, 401k after 6 months), once I'm trained in the actual mapping I'll be paid roughly $50k salary.

Cons - RELOCATION. I'll be traveling a good bit, so this comes with the job. I'll probably be in Alabama until the end of the year, and then in Kentucky after that.

It comes down to this. I've had very little in the way of good job offers. IF I decide to take this job I will most likely leave after a couple of years. Since I'm still young and single I can take a job like this right now and be fine with it. However, once I enter another serious relationship I don't want to be traveling around like this. So, this is my dilemna. Do I take the job for a couple of years and sock away some cash? Or, do I pass and continue to look for something in the greater Atlanta area? To be honest, I don't know what to do at this moment. However, I do have to decide pretty quickly.

Choices, choices... I'll gladly take any advice you guys have to offer.


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